Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who me?

A moment of silence for all the cute outfits Micah is too big to wear now! This may be the last time he gets to wear this little overall getup from Grammy so here it is. The weather is turning chilly in the mornings so I'm sure we'll be having to break out the pants and socks soon. It reminds me of just last year about this time when it was Indian Summer in Mississippi and I couldn't wait for him to get here!

Dan and I will be taking a nice trip this weekend to Memphis to see a musical with some friends from Corinth! Micah will spending the day at home with one of his caretakers from daycare who babysits on the weekends. When you live in a town as small as this one, getting out to the "big city" every once in awhile is a must (and so is seeing high-quality theatre for Dan).

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