Monday, October 24, 2011

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Does Whatever A Spider Can...

We celebrated Micah's 4th Birthday this weekend! Although he technically won't be 4 until Nov. 9, since the grandparents were visiting, we fastforwarded things a bit. Micah enjoyed his cake and chocolate ice cream, balloons, and of course, presents! There were some books, videos, Spider-Man helicopter and Halloween costume, and Candyland, which he had to play right after we finished the party! He won his first game. It seems like just a year ago this sweet boy was just learning his ABCs and wishing he could ride a bike. Now he knows his shapes, colors, sings whole songs, can count to 20 in English and to 10 in Spanish, can ride a bike with training wheels all by himself and lots more. 
Daddy and I love you and are proud of you, buddy! We can't wait to see what wonderful things this year brings for you.

Fun with Grammy and Pop Pop

 Grammy teaches Jacob the finer art of razzing..

 and pattycake!

Grammy's bathrobe makes a perfect angel costume

We are having a last minute visit from Grammy and Pop Pop! the boys are enjoying the extra attention andaside from a stomach bug which kept them down for a couple of days, I think the grandparents are soaking up the boys' excitement! We celebrated Micah's birthday with weekend a couple weeks early. Photos to come!

Monday, October 17, 2011

On His Own Two Feet

Well, it looks like Jacob is starting to find his feet! The above video shows Dan holding his hands as he pushes himself up. He is wanting to stand more and more. We had a nice fall break. Dan had Friday off so I took that day and we went to Little Rock and bought the boys' Christmas, and Micah's birthday, presents.  I can't believe he is going to be 4 in a couple of weeks! We got a kindergarten readiness calendar from his school this past week and he now has "homework" to do--flashcards with the Spanish words for all the colors on them. He can count from 1 to 10 in Spanish already.

 The boys playing in the living room before bed.

Little man standing (with help)!

Micah shows Jacob the features of his carseat toys

Jacob's smile almost knocks him down in this video.

Monday, October 10, 2011

We spent the weekend at home. Dan had OBU Homecoming and rehearsal to attend so we just decided to take it easy and enjoy the nice weather on the porch. I've been giving Jacob a little rice cereal at dinner a few days a week to get him used to the idea. I think he's warming up to it, although not quite loving it yet! Just before the video below was taken he had downed about 3 bites with gusto, but by the time I got out the camera he'd had enough. He has started really holding on to toys and getting them into his mouth this week. He likes to grab a hold of the toys hooked to his carseat and play with those whole we're in the car. He sucessfully rolled over from his back to his front this weekend after watching big brother Micah demonstrate on the living room floor. Now he wants to practice all the time, none of this lying in the infant seat thing anymore! Although he is still waking up a lot at night, he is getting better with soothing himself back to sleep so we don't have to get up as much. Sometimes putting him down for a nap is as easy as plopping him in the exersaucer. He loves to fall asleep in it after bouncing around in there for a few minutes. I guess it tuckers him out! I can't believe I am going to have a four-year-old in just a month! Micah has grown up so much this year. He knows his numbers up to 20, ABC's, colors, shapes (including those with more than 4 sides) and can even count in Spanish. He's a very good storyteller. Last night he told me he is learning to read at school! Hopefully, he will always share our love of books.

Monday, October 3, 2011

4 Months Old!

Here's a picture of our happy boy that I took this morning! He had a good checkup at the doctor and got his shots today. He took it like a champ. The nurse laughed because when she gave him the first one he made a little noise that kinda sounded like "ouch!" And then just stared her down pretty good.  He hasn't gained anymore weight, still about 19 lbs., 4 oz. But he's over 26 inches long now! The last couple of nights he's been giving us a run for our money. Hope tonight is better!