Monday, March 4, 2013

Good Game

 The cuties :-)
 "I'll get the door for you, mama."

First game!

Go Team USA!

Micah playing goalie

Shaking hands after the game

Huddle time: "Play hard, have fun!"

Well, we made it through Micah's first soccer game against Team Italy. I'm glad I found a friend to leave Jacob with because it was about 35 degrees out there! As you can see, only four members of the team were there, but that was a good thing since everyone got to play the whole game so they didn't have too much time to get chilled. They don't keep score with this age, but Micah's team did well during the game and there were no mishaps. Everyone took turns playing goalie and being on the field. Micah was excited that he had "kicked the ball three times!" At this point, there's really no strategy out there, just kids running after the ball to kick it. Micah did a good job of staying on the ball for his first-ever experience. From here on out, they just have games on Saturday mornings for the next five weeks, no practice, because as the coach says "they get enough practice just playing on the field." Micah says that he liked practice better than the games. I think that's because they practiced different techniques, like passing and controlling the ball so there was a variety. Plus, it wasn't nearly so cold as this day was!

We were all glad to see Dan when he came home from the conference on Saturday. We spent the rest of the weekend at home, resting, with me trying to get over this cold! Jacob is doing better. We eliminated the middle-of-the-day inhaler treatment so that means he doesn't have to get one at daycare. Also, he has realized that the treatments are ok and has stopped fighting them! This is a huge help now that I don't have to fight to give them to him. This morning he was laughing and waving at daddy while wearing the mask at the breakfast table.

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