Friday, February 8, 2013

An example

" favorite, cereal bars!"

"Waiter, round two on those bars, please."

He looks like the spitting image of his daddy at this age in this photo, I think.

Scarfing down some cereal with peanut butter before school!

 Micah's Valentine's Day card to me:-)

Daddy got this great pic this morning.

Micah talks about the card he made for me.

Jacob shows off some of his "words".

It's been an interesting few weeks. Jacob recovered from his pneumonia, only to get another upper resp. infection. He has spent the week on an inhaler just to help  temporarily. The doc says we may need to put him on an everyday one since he seems particularly susceptible. I'm not ready to say the  A-word (asthma) yet. And they can't test for that until kids are older anyway. But hopefully this will do the trick for now. We were pleased that he did great all day when we weaned him off of the afternoon dose yesterday and fine this morning too, without his a.m. dose. They say that all kinds of nasty resp. things are going around town right now and my impulse is to lock the kids in their rooms until this season is over. But I can't do that, and we press on.

And now for the fun stuff! Jacob is learning many new words, some of which probably only Dan and I can understand. In the video above you can see him saying "tractor," one of his favorite vehicles. He still loves all things farm. Last night he decided that he would like to "read" the book I just read to him, to me. So he turned each page and pointed to all of the objects (bird, "roo" for kangaroo, flower, mama, bee - "buzz") naming them and then looking at me to make sure I "understood" before moving on to the next page. The cutest was when we got to the lion and he got his "claws" out and makes the fiercest roar he can muster up. If you ever doubt that kids learn by example, an experience like this will take those doubts away. He loves to imitate everything, especially big brother, who unfortunately likes to hoot and holler at the dinner table!

Micah gets on these kicks where he wants to talk about the same subjects every night. This week's subjects are "how do we break____?" and "what are some examples of how God talks to us?" Now, I have no idea what precipitated the breaking thing but I know Micah always asks questions about how God talks to us since that's a hard concept to understand when he hears it in church or something like that. I mean, God doesn't talk to us like we talk to each other so it's an abstract thing. So I give him examples from my own experience since I think that's the best way to explain it at this stage. I don't want him to start using that as an excuse to get away with havoc, either: "Mom, it's ok because God told me to eat that cookie before dinner" Yeah, you can see where I'm going with that! I just tell him to keep asking and keep listening. I am a firm believer that if you seek the truth, you will find it.

We are celebrating Valentine's Day today since Dan doesn't have rehearsal tonight! There is a new dessert place in town and we're putting the kids to bed early, picking up some goodies and popping in a movie. Sounds like heaven to me! I still remember about 14 years ago this week I went to a college Valentine's banquet with this cute guy in a tux. We were just getting to know each other. Hmmm...I wonder what ever happened to him? :-)

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