Thursday, November 17, 2011

Baby of Mine

Big brother practice

And here's someone who wishes she was the "baby" of the family again!

Lately, Micah's really been into the whole "take care of the baby" thing. Last night he grabbed his blue blankey (yes, it's still his favorite) and stuffed it under his shirt. Here was our conversation:

M: "Mama, I have a big tummy."
Me: "Are you going to have a baby or did you eat too much?"
M:"There's a baby in my tummy. He's peeking out. His name is Jacob."
Me: "Two Jacobs?"
M: "Ummm. Hmmm. He's crying. I need to rock my baby." (Goes into the bedroom, sits in the rocker with the blankey cradled in his lap.)
Me: "Is he hungry?"
I handed him an empty bottle.
M: "It needs milk in it."
Me: "Just pretend."
And then I took this photo :-)
Afterwards, he laid the "baby" down in the cradle behind the rocker with Pooh bear, who played the part of "baby"  a few nights ago.

So sweet.

Kitty is almost 12 years old now and is nearing the last of her nine lives. She still likes to get a bit of attention. Her favorite place to sleep is anywhere the pillows or stuffed animals are piled up since she's arthritic and all that softness is appealing. I thought this photo was a great ET imitation (you know the part in the movei where ET hides in all the teddy bears...). She's the low kitty on the totem pole, so to speak, these days. But she still manages to get a little love.

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