Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Deep Thoughts

                                         Getting the wiggles out

                                        Me and my two favorite boys
                                            "Mom, all I see are spots...is that ok?"                                          

                                          "C'mon people, one more round and I've got a full house!"

This video showcases Jacob's climbing skills. I discovered that Jacob can now get himself up onto the rocker and then onto the bed unassisted. Good for his gross motor skills. Bad for mommy's sanity. Good thing there's carpet in his room! I wish I could have gotten the first tie he did this on camera. You should have heard that squeal of delight! He's also doing something else in this video that has become a favorite passtime--sampling tissues from around the house. Why he likes putting them in his mouth, I don't know. But I have picked more bits out of his mouth than I care to remember! He's getting the bottom molars now, so maybe that's it.

Micah received his first progress report from preschool this week and he is doing well in all areas and excelling in math concepts and communication skills! More importantly, he continues to enjoy it. His teacher put a note on there about how he is a joy to have in class :-) Last night we had an interesting discussion about heaven, a topic he has recently become fascinated with. It requires a little backstory. We had brought him into the service with us on Sunday and there is a large wooden cross hanging over the pulpit. Last night he asked me if that was the cross Jesus died on. Well, that's a logical conclusion for a preschooler, right? Of course I had to explain about that happening a long time ago, etc., and then about Jesus returning to heaven. He then gave me a puzzled look when I told him we were waiting for Jesus to return and take us to heaven with him. He said, "But Mama, did you know we are in heaven right now?" I tried to explain that, no, we are on Earth and heaven is another place. He said, "Well, God has us in his hand. (I had told him the verse about how no one is able to take us from God's hand--John 10:29). And God is in heaven. And no one can take us out of his hand. So we are in heaven, right now. Did you know that?" I thought about that for a minute. Now, I know that the Bible talks about Jesus coming again and how there will be a "new heaven and a new Earth". But it's easy to forget that the essence of heaven is being in the presence of God, all the time.The idea of gold streets and singing angels is pleasant and all, but to be honest, it's never really done much for me. But the thought of "knowing as I am fully known" and being near to God, letting go of pain, anxiety, all those things that we carry around down here, now that's heaven to me. But sometimes I forget that we can have pieces of that, right here, right now, if we remember that "no one is able to pluck us from his hand." God loves us and we can never be separated from that love. We can be in his presence. After a pause, I said, "I think that's kind of true, buddy." I am thankful to my son for pointing out that important truth in a new way to me. I know that sounds a little like a "Hallmark special", but it's that kind of moment you read about but you don't experience yourself all the time. It made me think that maybe I should do some more listening a little less talking sometimes! And now for another cute Jacob video :-)

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