Friday, September 17, 2010

Apples and "Orange"

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," is the best way to describe this week. Micah's having fun with the letters in my Apple Scrabble game in these photos and video. He is starting to be interested in what letters he sees, like these on the game pieces and the on refrigerator magnets we have. He loves making his name with them. His current favorite toy is an orange "thingy," for lack of a better word, that goes to a playset he has. He has to have "orange" at every meal and at bed time! I am amazed he doesn't have it in these photos! We also had fun helping him learn to ride his bike this weekend. He still hasn't quite gotten the hang of the pedaling part, but he really likes trying and I'm happy to see him not get frustrated with it. I think it's always good for him (and us for that matter) to have things he can't do on thr first try, but needs to practice doing. On the flip side, he had a lot of temper tantrums throughout the week which we challenging for us as parents! Micah seems to be testing the waters repeatedly. And we're trying to come up with effective ways of training him to respect people and act appropriately, y'know, day in the life of every parent. Anyway, for now we are holding on to the good times so we can have patience through the rough ones.

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