Thursday, January 22, 2015

Christmas Greetings

Well we had a great time in Wisconsin, but it's hard to come home again! The kids got to play in the snow, have fun with their cousins, decorate gingerbread and do all sorts of things in addition to the usual Christmas excitement. It was a full couple of weeks. Jacob had a few tummy issues, one of which struck on Christmas morning (he was ok by 11 so we went ahead with out plans) and the other the last night in the hotel on our way home (we made it home without more trouble) and has since battle and conquered the flu (the rest of us were saved by Tamiflu). Those parts were not so fun, but we made it and it didn't seem to have any ill effects on his view of the holiday! The drive went smoothly, albeit long, and we are very glad for that.We hope you had a wonderful holiday too and are having a hopeful January.
"Maybe we should ship this one"

Christmas Eve

The whirling dervishes on Christmas Day

Christmas cheer for daddy

The brothers Inouye

The finishing touches

The hit toy this year--remote controlled-car!

Gramma teaches Micah and Jacob a few notes.

The cousins take turns reading funny poems to each other

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