Monday, November 22, 2010

Expanding Our Family

Most people who read this blog probably already know we are expecting another little one, but for those who don't, here's the big announcement! My due date is June 2 and my first ultrasound picture is above. You can see the blob where the tech wrote "baby." Everything looks good so far. On January 6, I go in for another ultrasound and we will hopefully find out whether it's a boy or a girl. I've had the requisite morning sickness, but am starting to feel much better now :-) Micah is starting to understand that he will be a big brother soon and talks often about the baby that is growing in mommy. I think things will become clearer to him once I start showing more. I'll ask for your thoughts and prayers during this time, that everything goes smoothly and that the baby will be healthy! We'll keep you posted!

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