Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cookie Monster

Enjoying the fruits of his labor...

Hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day. We made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies this weekend. Micah really likes helping in the kitchen, especially when we are making sweets! Dan and I spent most of the weekend working on stripping wallpaper in the bathroom and painting it, but we managed to get in some good family time, too. Micah got a little sun, as you can see in these photos, after making several trips to the playground. We had great weather on Saturday and spent as much time outside as possible taking walks and playing on the slide. Everywhere we went, we had to take froggy along--that's Micah's stuffed frog that plays music. He likes giving froggy a commentary as we walk. "Did you hear the train, froggy?" "You like to take a walk, froggy?" It's funny to hear him saying the things I usually say to him as we walk, to the froggy. We were able to Skype with both families this weekend, which was great. The library was closed so we couldn't take our usual trip, but that was ok with Micah since he really likes one of the books we borrowed last time called "Bright Stanley". We only read it three times yesterday--proof that his interest is waning a bit :-) It's about a fish that has adventures in the sea including encountering a shark. Since he loves all things "fishy," this book is right up his alley.

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