Friday, April 4, 2008

Dan turns 30!

Today Dan turns the big 3-0! I might be biased, but I think he's got a lot to show for his three decades on this earth.
In honor of this momentous occasion, You Know You're 30 When...

1. You leave gigs before the encore to "beat the rush"
2. You own a lawnmower
3. Before throwing the local paper away, you look through the property section
4. All of a sudden, your boss (friend, etc.) isn't 46, he's only 46
5. You buy your first ever T-shirt without anything written on it
6. Instead of laughing at the gardening catalogue that falls out of the newspaper, you suddenly see both the benefit and money saving properties of a plastic winter cover for your garden bench and an electronic mole repellent for the lawn. Not to mention the plastic man for the car to deter would be thieves.
7. You start to worry about your parents' health.
8. Sure, you have more disposable income but everything you want to buy costs between $300 and $500
9. You don't get funny looks when you buy a Disney video or a Wallace and Gromit bubble bath, as the sales assistant assumes they are for your child
10. Pop music all starts to sound a bit strange.
11. You become powerless to resist the lure of self-assembly furniture
12. You wish you had a shed
13. You have a shed
14. You actually find yourself saying "They don't make 'em like that anymore" and "I remember when there were only 3 TV channels" and "Of course, in my day"
Thanks,, for the list.
Tonight we are having a party at the theatre after opening night to celebrate! Party pics forthcoming.

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