Since we're going to be traveling for Christmas this year, we decided to open our gifts to each other this past weekend. Micah loved his new rug with roads on it and his sidewalk chalk! We could hardly get him away from it when it was time to come inside. We had Dan's directing class over for dinner last night --Grandma Inouye's spaghetti sauce was a hit! Dan will be grading finals furiously until the day we leave for Minnesota, but hopefully after that things will be more relaxing. In the new year, I promise to post pictures of Micah dressed up in his ring-bearer outfit for Josh and Amanda's wedding this weekend. Congratulations! And of course we'll have lots of Delaware photos too since we'll be there for Christmas. Until then, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Micah is enjoying his playdough! We had to get it out three time this weekend. Paaay-dooo! Micah's recovering from a nasty ear infection, but other than that, it was a nice weekend. Dan and I got to go to a banquet and Christmas concert at OBU. I'm done with class for the semester so now it's time to focus on the holidays: Cookies baked: check. Presents sent: check. Cards signed: check. Bags packed: ummm...working on it.
Monday, November 23, 2009
O Christmas Tree
We put up the Christmas tree this weekend since we didn't know when we'd have another chance to do it before the holidays! We're now re-thinking our clever plan since Micah seems to be more interested in trying the pull the thing down on himself than anything else! Hope that tether holds! This is a cute video of him seeing the tree for the first time (we put it up while he was napping). We are going to be in Corinth, MS, our old stomping grounds, for Thanksgiving this year. We are looking forward to seeing all of our friends again! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday too!
Monday, November 16, 2009
"Dad, can I have the keys?"
Monday, November 9, 2009
Micah plays with his puzzle from Grammy and Pop Pop, minus the sounds which were a little too scary last night ;-)
Happy 2nd Birthday Micah!
Wow--I just can't believe that Micah is 2 today! I just visited some friends that have a 2-week-old last night and I couldn't help but think it was just last month that M was that little. Yes, we are in the "terrible twos" now, but as stressful as that can sometimes be, it is also a lot of fun! We had the best time yesterday eating cake, playing in the leaves outside and opening gifts from family and friends (thank you!). I'll post some more videos of him opening them last night. Even though today is technically his birthday, we celebrated last night. I sent him to daycare with cupcakes for him to share with his class at lunch.
Pumpkin Carving
Here's a funny belated video of Micah wanting to help us carve the pumpkin, but then again...maybe not :-)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
I read!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Visit with Grammy and Pop Pop!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
New Class
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Daddy's Helper
Monday, August 31, 2009
Pool & Pickles
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Budding Musician
I think Micah's definately got something of the msuic bug in him. Take this harmonica video, for example. He's right on the money! Until it gets turned around backwards :-) Walking with him around campus is hilarious. Everytime someone drives along blasting their base, he takes it as an excuse to dance.
Saturday was a great day! The weather was about 75-80 and it was sunny. In the morning we walked downtown and got a free ice cream from the Schwans folks who were doing a fundraiser there. Then we went to Benton to get a gift for a baby shower. In the evening, we decided to play with a bowl of water and some cups on the porch in lieu of a pool. Micah was soaked and went right into the tub afterwards. I hope we have many more days like this one!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday Night Fever
Yes, Micah does have another fever--we're thinking another ear infection--but this title also refers to his latest craze, dancing! Last night I took this video of Micah be-bopping to the music from a bunny he got last Easter. His dancing is a little stompy and twirly :-) Dan said this morning he discovered a TV show called Hi-5 that Micah just loved. All it is is characters dancing to music and he said Micah just really got into it!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Feel Better
Here's a video of Micah playing with the cat. in his room. The first few seconds are so cute, the rest of the time we are just trying to get her to play along again. He's really getting good at petting her gently and not teasing her too much.
Last night Micah woke up crying at about 4:30 a.m. and Dan went in to get him back down. This morning when I got him up, I noticed he had some drainage from his ear--poor kid's got an ear infection! Kudos to Nana who called it a couple of days ago. He usually doesn't get a fever with these, so it's really hard to tell when he has one, aside from the night waking, which we thought was related to being in a new place, etc. But he's been walking around and falling a lot and Nana said it was because he had some fluid in his ears and she was right. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear it up quickly.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Bye Bye Nana and Papa!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bump in the Night
In other news, Dan and I celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday :-) I baked a peach pie for the occasion and we are going out on Friday, which I took off from work. When I think back to all the decisions I've made, marrying Dan is one of the best ones. Love you, babe!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Micah's dedication went really well. Hopefully I'll be able to post more photos and video from that later this week. For now, here's one photo of him after we got home, sitting on the front porch.
We managed to get the kitchen all painted this weekend too--green!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Fixing Things
Micah "fixing" the new kitchen
Micah in the living room.
We've managed to lessen the number of boxes we have to unpack, but things are still a little crazy at the new house. Micah's been following Daddy around the house, "fixing" things with his set of Bob the Builder tools. This weekend was a rough one for him. He bumped his top lip (lots of blood, but he was fine) and got a nasty bruise on his leg when he fell while trying to climb up on a chair in the living room! We've been playing that time-tested toddler game, "Guess what the child will eat?" just about every mealtime (Lasagna and apples--Sunday. Crackers and chicken nuggets--Monday. Veggies--never). We also think he might be getting a molar--he's been pretty fussy and had a low-grade fever for a couple nights--so we're taking him into the doc today just to make sure it's not something like an ear infection or sore throat that we can't see. Anyway, I'm hoping that this week is better for him. We're all looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa arriving today from Wisconsin!
This Sunday we are joining a church and having Micah dedicated. We wanted to do this for some time when family could be here, so we're taking advantage of the Inouyes' visit to do this. The dedication is a simple ceremony where our pastor will say a prayer of blessing for Micah and a prayer of guidence for us, as his parents. We will make a committment to educating him about our faith. We believe that we are responsible for ensuring that Micah receives a good education--academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. I hope that as he grows older and explores his heart, he will make his own decision to follow the way of Christ and become a person characterized by God's love and integrity.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Work in Progress
Friday, July 10, 2009
Last day in the rental!
Tomorrow is our big move to the new house! Dan and I have been working on painting and cleaning the new place and hopefully will have a successful move tomorrow. Wish us luck! Here is a video of Micah in the kitchen saying "hello." He is really becoming quite the ham in front of the camera. As you can see, he is holding an ice scraper he found in the backseat of the car :-).
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Our new house
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Buzz cut
Friday, June 26, 2009
Happy Father's Day (a few days late...)
Building Blocks
This is a shameless "brag" video! Micah has mastered the art of the shape sorter. We didn't realize this until one day I was sitting on the floor with him, shapes all around and he just popped them in one by one like it was nothing, while humming some little tune to himself. I shot this video shortly after that.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Those 3 little words...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Backyard entertainment
Here are the promised videos of Micah playing with his toys. You can hear him "counting" as he stacks his blocks at the end of the last one.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
New Toys!
Everybody loves new toys--they just get more expensive the older you are! Did you ever think that a box of carboard "blocks" could give so much joy? We hit the jackpot at the garage sales this weekend! Of course, it's the slide/playhouse set that we were looking for. He loves to be outside and we thought that having something like this for him to play on would help burn off a little of that energy he's got! There are no public parks in Arkadelphia with equipment suitable for children of Micah's age, so on the weekends we usually take walks or roam around the backyard picking up monkey balls and pieces of bark--also a favorite Micah passtime. So he is really enjoying this slide combo! I will post some cute videos of the slide soon.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Micah loves to be hung upsidedown and every which way, and so was very pleased that Pop Pop liked to indulge him during his visit!
This weekend we found an item for Micah at a garage sale that we'd been looking for for some time. Pictures to come!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Micah had a great time learning to put shoes and sock on and take them off during Grammy and Pop Pop's visit. Here he is playing a sock game with Grammy :-)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fun with Grammy and Pop Pop
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Blog Break
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Walking the dogs
Recently Micah has taken to putting these stuffed dogs on his arms and "walking" them around the house. I don't know how the cat feels about this! He also likes pulling the dining chairs backwards and then trying to push them back up.