Friday, June 27, 2008
taking a break
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Micah is just having a ball in his crib in this video. He loves playing in here, trying to pull up in the sides, playing with his musical "aquarium" and generally squealing with delight!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Here's a video of Micah during healthier times playing with his rings.
Both Dan and Micah are laid up with colds, which means that I've spent the day running between the crib and the bedroom! Luckily, we've got friends at the theatre who have agreed to watch Micah while they run the summer camp so I don't have to miss oodles of work. Poor guys. Micah's fever is gone and his spirits are up so I think he'll be all better soon. Dan will have a few more days to go, I think. Now, if I can keep from getting it before the big interview!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy Feet
In move news, we'll be visiting Arkadelphia this weekend and the early part of next week (blog hiatus, of course) to find housing, visit Micah's daycare and for my job interview at Henderson State U. It's a search committee interview, so I'll be faced with five people during one portion of it, not really looking forward to that! But, I think it's a great match for me, so I'm hoping for good things. I'll have to consult our resident expert on such interviews, Dan. We'll doing doing mock interviews on the way down!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Toys and Tool Time!
Micah's not too sure how he feels about the noise level, but he sure does love banging on things.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
TV Junkie
Micah's favorite "forbidden" toy is the remote. Sometimes we'll let him play with it--batteries removed, of course. But, then we've got to deal with the slobber afterwards! He's also partial to the telephone. I guess we'll have to get him one of those toy replicas they make for children with all those colored buttons he can push to his heart's content.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Hope all you dads had a wonderful Father's Day! We had a great weekend. On Saturday, Dan had gone to Belk and used his gift card to buy some dress clothes for his new job! Sunday, we drove to Tupelo for a delicious brunch at Cracker Barrel and then to that mecca of all things baby, Babies R'Us, to pick out Micah's new car seat.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Job Update**
Jobs for me, Micah's progress, new baby
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Gettin' Around
Here is a cute pair of videos showcasing Micah's new rolling over and scooting abilities. We're having a fun time watching him get into all sorts of positions.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mover and Shaker
By request, here is a video of Micah scooting around on the wood floor. He's discover that he can move much faster on the smooth surface than the rugs and blankets, so whenever possible, he manuevers himself onto the floor.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Arkadelphia update
Food Follies
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Growing Up
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Fresh Air
Everyone enjoys getting a little fresh air on a warm day--Micah is no exception. Here is a picture and a video of him in the jumperoo. He looks so serious! I'm trying to figure out how much solid food to feed him these days. I'm sure, like with most things, time will resolve my question.
Micah would like to thank Aunt Janice for sending him some very nice onesies for summertime! I was just saying how the snaps won't snap closed anymore on many of the 6-9 month ones we've got now. Now we're all set!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Scary monster
Micah started doing a new thing yesterday--we call it playing "scary monster." He sticks his fists and arms out and growls. He was just doing this off and on while playing with toys and in this video, while eating his lunch. I don't know if he's just expressing some pent up frustration or just having fun making a new noise :-) You can also see him whispering "da-da" in this one. He can also clap his own hands now. We had a great weekend with pretty nice weather and we able to make it to the park on Saturday and Sunday. We even put Micah in the "big-boy" stroller, without the infant car seat attachment. He has almost completely outgrown his car seat, so we'll be needing to replace that soon.
We spent last night trying to sort through the stuff we have and decide what will be on the chopping block for the garage sale. It feels good to be able to clear away some of the clutter. We really only have 6 weeks left before we need to have things pretty much ready to go--I can't believe it's so close!