Here are some cute pics of Micah-- on Dan's shoulder, learning to get on his knees, helping mom with the laundry. That Christmas bib is like love--it covers a multitude of sins. Lately, he's been getting up on his knees and rocking a little. Now if he could just figure out how to put one knee in front of the other... Unfortunately we discovered that he had a fever last night and it's persisted through today. So he's home again since he can't go to daycare. Dan and I are taking taking turns working and watching him. Tomorrow we go to the doc to find out what's up and also to find out the results of his allergy test. Apparently, it was positive, but they wouldn't tell us for what yet.
In other news, we've decided that our last days of work will be July 15. After that we'll be heading to Delaware (and a side trip to Boston to meet up with the northern relatives, hopefully) until the 26th. Then we come back to Corinth, get the truck packed and move to Arkansas. The first week of August, we hope to have a visit from mom and dad Inouye, which ought to be a big help as we unpack and try to get settled before classes start. We'll be making a preliminary trip out to Arkadelphia at the end of June and having a garage sale July 4 weekend. So, it's a crazy life for the next few months! All you Corinth people--our garage sale will feature, lots of trinkets, books, a desk, and a matching sofa and loveseat. You know you wanna come! (Even if it's just to see the baby.)